Used cooking oil buyer

We pay the same day

We guarantee you that we will test, weight the used cooking oil, and buy it after a complete test process.

Free Fatty Acid And Moisture Impurities Test
We will test a sample of your used cooking oil in our lab room. Our staff is fully trained to test for free fatty acid, moisture impurities, and get the results right away.

Bring Your Used Cooking Oil to Our Site
Used cooking oil collectors are welcomed. Please contact us at 1-305-251-7808 to make appoinment for any volume of used cooking oil delivery to our site.

No Waiting Period To Get Paid
Call us for more information on how to make money from your used cooking oil. Once the product is tested and weighted, you will receive payment on the same day.

We Buy Bulk Of Used Cooking Oil
We buy bulk quantities available for collection ranging from 5 gallon jugs to 6500 gallon of used cooking oil. if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Pick Up Services
If the price is acceptable after testing your used cooking oil, we can arrange for pick up at your location. Bulk pick up of your used cooking oil is available from any facility in South Florida.

What We Do
We buy, store, and service used cooking oil, an ingredient in household lubricant, feedstocks, biodiesel, oil lamps, candles, crops, hydraulic fluids and other products such as soap.